For the past two day's my husband Kyle has been on shift. And to anyone who reads this who is a wife to a firefighter, you will understand just what that sentence "he just left to go on shift" really means. Though I know that this is where Christ has called him, and I know that he absolutely loves his work, I can't help but get that lump in my throat every time he leaves...that lump that is full of worries, fear that something tragic could happen. Well, I had a reality check.
Handsome lives at my home. Handsome being my husband, Kyle Catto.
A firefighter eager to get up and go to work. His days are full of listening and following orders. He has to supervise, advise and meet deadlines. He spends his hours of the day on someone elses clock. He gives every single ounce of himself physically and mentally to provide for us. He is constantly training to be a better firefighter. He puts sleepless hours into serving our community. He has only a few moments to himself, but I don't ever see him sitting down doing what HE wants to do when he wants to do it, instead he fills his extra time serving our church family, serving with the youth group we help with on Sunday nights, doing odds and ends around our house, always giving his last moments to help OTHERS. My hubs is a HUNK! And when I think about all of this, I think "I could really care less about him having perfect hair, chiseled abs, the perfect and right amount of scruff growing on his face, what size his arms are"...although I must admit...he does come pretty darn close to having the best of all those things. ;p But that isn't what constantly wins my heart or my affection. Handsom, Well, "Handsome" lives at home...with me.
Real handsome looks like the arms that come home exhausted yet openly accepts to hold and listen to his wife for hours on end.
Real handsome looks like the endless sacrifices he makes so willingly for his community because he wants to provide for us.
Real handsome ins't some cocky firefighter, real handsome is the quiet spirit that faces fears with faith and confidence.
Real handsome is the man that comes home after shift and starts doing the dishes without my asking.
Real handsome is my husband, the man that never takes for granted the hearts he holds so closely.
Real handsome is my firefighter that comes home with dirty boots, smelly clothes and a heart that is full of God's grace and love. A heart ready to serve and love his family.
I will remember this important truth that "real handsome" is not hollywoods definition. Real handsome is my husband that wipes tears, faces fears in faith, sacrifices for his family and serves a God of love and mercy. A man that holds tightly to the will of God, the man that chooses to lead me daily.
And with all that said, as my very first blog...I want to encourage all you wives out there that by allowing your husband to lead you and guide you the way that the Lord would have him to do, your life will be such a beautiful, full, and amazing journey.
I am blessed to be able to see life as a Catto.
Perfect first blog :) then again first one I've read but sounds like you have the perfect husband by far. Lucky gal :) and I understand the worry. My hubs is only a volunteer but I still get worried the few times he goes to a fire and he wants to become a full fledged fire fighter and I know I'll worry even more then those couple days he's gone. Sleepless nights await when those days come. But we gotta be strong for them just like their strong for the ones they save. Its a honor to be a firefighters wife and I love that he enjoys it. Helping others is a great thing :)